Thursday, August 14, 2008

I have got a crown, got a very nice one and its here on my head, look at it - King Julien, Madagascar 1

Tim Ingersoll, animation trainer at DreamWorks Animation and an awesome artist and magician, created caricatures for all of the Indian artists who were trained by him.

The first dialog I animated was a test shot of King Julien from Madagascar 1 and the dialog was something like this -

'I have got a crown, got a very nice one and its here on my head, look at it.'

The line almost became a pet-peeve for most of us who were there for training and I kept getting snapped at for saying that line over and over again.

Thanks Tim for the cartoon and the crown. Cheers!

1 comment:

Chaitanya Limaye said...

Hi Anand,
I just came across your blog and it was nice to read your experiences you shared. Congratulations for completing work on roadside-romeo which is highly anticipated and getting into Dreamworks !
I am studying at AM in class3 and guys like you are keep us inspired :)
Good work with the blog. Wish you all the luck in your new job